Timing and Outcome of Surgery in Hip Fractures
Hip Joint Ball and Socket joint. Hip fracture is any fracture involving Interochanteric region head, neck or acetabulum. 310,000 Hip fractures in the United State in 2003 1/3 rd - receive a hip replacement. 10.3 - 15.2 billion dollars / year Elderly – Vast Majority Co-morbidities Femoral Neck Fracture Fracture Healing is delayed due to - I ntracapusular neck- No Cambium layer - Synovial fluid clears out haematoma and inhibits fracture union - Haematoma causes pressure on head Mechanism of injury • Directly on lateral hip • Twisting mechanism • Fatigue or insufficiency fracture, then fall • In younger - RTA / fall from a height Risk Factors of Hip Fractures • Osteoporosis and Falls Lifetime risk -17.5 percent for women : 6 per...